If you practice yoga, you know how important it is to have a dedicated, quiet place where you can be undisturbed. While you might think that the garage is poorly suited for that, it’s actually an ideal spot. Not sure how you can turn that storage area into an intimate yoga studio? Here are a few tips to help out.
Calm and Quiet
Yoga focuses on meditation, improving flexibility, improving your breathing, and helps improve both physical and mental health. However, it can be tough to find a place in your home where you can enjoy the tranquility necessary to practice yoga. Once you’ve correctly prepared the garage, though, you’ll find that it offers the ability to relax, unwind, and focus on your breathing.
What You’ll Need to Do
If you’re ready to get started, here are the steps to follow:
- Tidy: The first thing to do is to tidy up. If you’ve got storage boxes strewn everywhere, organize them. Pack things away. If something doesn’t actually belong in your garage, then it needs to be put back where it goes, whether that’s your storage shed, your attic, or somewhere else. For everything that’s staying, make sure you can organize it easily to make space for you.
- Add Warmth: Most garages are pretty utilitarian. They can even seem cold if you have white walls (or unpainted sheetrock) and fluorescent lights overhead. Change that paradigm by adding warm shades of yellow paint. Choose to bring nature inside with shades of green. Make the space calming, serene and relaxing.
- Set Up Your Station: Now it is time to set up your yoga station. You’ll need your mat, certainly, but you’ll also need a few other things to ensure that you’re happy and comfortable here. Add some cushions and a yoga block, and make sure to have a few towels handy, too.
- Ambience: Further transform your space by using your laptop to stream an online yoga class, or play some Zen music to help you focus while you breathe.
- The Right Lighting: You need to make sure you have plenty of natural, warm light to fuel your yoga sessions. To encourage natural light, opt for a garage door with all‑glass sections. If your door is showing its age, now’s the time to replace it with a model that features large windows, too. You can also opt for a metal/steel garage door, complete with satin or glue chip windows.
- Warm It Up: Finally, make sure that you have a way to keep your garage warm during the winter. A portable heater can do the trick, but only if you have an insulated garage door to help keep that heat inside.
There you have them – just a few important steps to ensure that you can transform your garage into the ideal yoga studio.
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