Keep the temperatures cooler in your garage this summer


Many people do not give their garage the attention that it deserves, even when they start to spend more and more time in the garage. Sure, they might consider some ways that they can improve the garage by clearing out the clutter and making it into a space where they can relax with friends, where the kids can play, or where they can enjoy their hobbies.

However, when the summer comes around, they suddenly find that the garage is an unpleasantly hot and humid place. The humidity can cause plenty of problems besides just making you uncomfortable, such as rust on metal items and even mold and mildew. Fortunately, there are some things that you can do to help reduce the heat and humidity so your garage is nice and comfy.

Weathertight and insulated

If you want to make sure that your garage has the best chance of being kept cool, this is the most important thing that you need to consider. You want to have a door that is energy efficient. If you have a door that is on the older side, it often means that it could be bringing in too much heat and let too much of the cool air out. The door might also have thermal bridges that will exacerbate this problem further.

Naturally, a door that is not insulated and weathertight is going to be much less likely to keep things cool. It will mean that you have to run more fans or run the AC more, which is going to increase your energy costs. A good door is essential.

Consider a dehumidifier

If you are in an area where the humidity tends to get high and unbearable, you should consider getting a dehumidifier for the garage. You can measure the amount of humidity in the garage by using a hygrometer. If it is more than between 45% and 50%, you are going to want to find an affordable dehumidifier.

Ventilation and AC

Those who are using the garage daily for long periods of time will want to consider adding some ventilation and fans, and perhaps even adding AC to the garage. This is going to help to keep things much cooler and more comfortable. Whether you have your central AC pumped into the garage or you use a portable option, or you have a stationary ventilation system, it is worth the effort.

Get the right door

As mentioned, the garage door is going to play a huge role in just how comfortable and cool your garage can remain in the summer. Therefore, you might want to get in touch with the pros for a well‑insulated and weather tight garage door. Contact us by calling 508-966-0242 toll free for help. You could also have us send you an email quotation.

Another option is to come into the showroom to see what is available. You can check out the Design Centre to figure out what style might work well for your needs and your home. You can also look for some ideas and inspiration when you use the image gallery.

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